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Welcome to

Hacienda ​Magic Spot

the future of the dominican Republic

At Hacienda Magic ​Spot you will find ​one of the premier ​building arts in the ​Dominican ​Republic.

But the footprints go back a long way:

whether construction activities at the ​Seahorse Ranch in Sosua, Camino del Sol in ​Cabarete or the latest prestigious project in Abr​eu: Hacienda Magic Sp​ot!

The sacred geometry

But the common thread by which you can easily recognize ​our buildings is quite different. Quality is very important, ​unfortunately many companies do not really recognize this ​essential component or much too late. We build according ​to the laws of nature and every single house is unique. ​Incredibly stable, energetically pure and built according to ​sacred geometry are just a few of our claims.

Cabrera, the hidden pearl of the Atlantic, is an often ​underestimated city. An international audience meets here ​in top restaurants, the most expensive hotel in the ​Caribbean and for a neighborly coffee in the cosiest areas ​of the posh suburbs.

There are many reasons why we feel at home in Cabrera. To these reasons we now add ​another one: Hacienda Magic Spot.

Hacienda Magic Spot is a microcosm under construction where several families have already found their home. In record time we are ​building self-sufficient houses and villas here with independent solar energy and running water from an ingenious water system. Magic ​Spot is located on a hill with sea views and natural air circulation. A place to rest, live and enjoy.

In a few minutes you are at all possible destinations, whether beaches, supermarkets, restaurants, lighthouses, natural sites, waterfalls, ​cenotes, mountains, pastures, the best mountain bike trails and much more.

REVI DESIGN and ATLANTIS CONSTRUCTIONS guarantee you a comprehensive, high standard. Prices on request.


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Markus Von Breiner

Email: magicspotcabrera@gmail.com

Whatsapp & Telegram: +18097510995

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Hacienda Magic Spot